O Programa Nacional "Nadador Salvador Júnior" foi criado pela Federação Portuguesa de Nadadores Salvadores (FEPONS), com o objetivo de aumentar a segurança aquática entre os jovens portugueses, na sequência da recomendação mundial da International Lifesaving Federation e da Organização Mundial de Saúde.
O programa é composto por campos de férias pedagógicos realizados pelas associações de nadadores salvadores, que incluem atividades de segurança aquática (suporte básico de vida, primeiros socorros, salvamento aquático),
desportivas (canoagem, natação, orientação, voleibol, futebol, pólo aquático), educativas
(toxicodependência, comportamentos de risco) e lúdicas (passeios pedestres,
jogos tradicionais).
The Portuguese National Junior Lifeguard Program was created by the Portuguese Lifesaving Federation (FEPONS) with the aim of increasing aquatic safety among Portuguese youth, following the worldwide recommendation of the International Lifesaving Federation and the World Health Organization.
The program consists of pedagogical holiday camps conducted by the local lifeguard associations, which include activities of water safety (basic life support, first aid, water rescue), sports (canoeing, swimming, orienteering, volleyball, soccer, water polo), educational activities ( drug addiction, risk behaviors) and playful (walking, traditional games).
The Portuguese National Junior Lifeguard Program was created by the Portuguese Lifesaving Federation (FEPONS) with the aim of increasing aquatic safety among Portuguese youth, following the worldwide recommendation of the International Lifesaving Federation and the World Health Organization.
The program consists of pedagogical holiday camps conducted by the local lifeguard associations, which include activities of water safety (basic life support, first aid, water rescue), sports (canoeing, swimming, orienteering, volleyball, soccer, water polo), educational activities ( drug addiction, risk behaviors) and playful (walking, traditional games).
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